Eltin Journal : Journal of English Language Teaching in Indonesia 2024-04-21T02:20:24+00:00 Yanuarti Apsari [email protected] Open Journal Systems <p>Eltin : Journal of English Language Teaching in Indonesia is published twice a year by STKIP Siliwangi (IKIP Siliwangi), Indonesia. This journal represents the field of English Language Teaching in its widest sense. This journal addresses (applied) linguistics, literary appreciation, language education, and so forth.</p> READING LEARNING BASED ON LOCAL WISDOM 2023-12-22T08:32:21+00:00 Nila kencana [email protected] Elva Utami [email protected] Yuneva Syukur [email protected] <p>The study explores local value/wisdom and the cultural views of Bengkulu people, which is dealing with the teaching materials for reading skill. This study aims to develop reading materials in the basis of on local value that are effective, valid, and practical for English major students. This is a research and development (RnD) using ADDIE model applied to the Students of the English Language Study Program Semester IV, Universitas Prof. Dr. Hazairin, SH Bengkulu. The results of the study show that the teaching materials for reading skill based on the local wisdom has been developed is valid, practical and effective. It is based on the expert’s and validator’s evaluation and proved that the learning outcomes reaching 92.5% of all learning outcomes are valid and feasible. The practicability of the product showed based on the students’ responses which is gained the achievement of student activities reached ≥ 75% of the 5 observed activity indicators, while the average response of all students reached 80%. It indicates that students responded positively reaching ≥ 75%.</p> 2024-04-21T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 TEACHERS’ CHALLENGES ON TEACHING MATHEMATICS IN ENGLISH AT BILINGUAL SCHOOLS 2023-12-10T01:29:34+00:00 Fitri Randia Ningsih [email protected] Ahmad Husein Nst [email protected] Aprili Yanti [email protected] Abdul Zebar [email protected] Tien Rafida [email protected] <p>This research aimed 1) to identify the challenges faced by mathematics teachers when delivering material by using English in international school. 2) Teachers’ strategies to overcome the challenges used by the teachers to overcome these challenges; and 3) the implications of the teachers' perspective for ESP design. The study was conducted at a bilingual school in Medan that follows the Cambridge Curriculum and involved five mathematics teachers from this school. This study used Qualitative Method. Data were collected through interviews to obtain in-depth insights and an interactive analysis method was used for data analysis. The research findings reveal that mathematics teachers encounter several challenges when presenting mathematical materials in English. These challenges revolve around English proficiency, articulation, construction of the sentences and the afraid of mistake in pronunciation. In response to these challenges, teachers employ strategies to enhance their English language skills by learning from various sources, including applications, reference of books, and both printed and online materials. Additionally, they collaborate with their fellow teachers and utilize online platforms to support their learning and prepare instructional materials. These findings underscore the importance of incorporating four key aspects, namely vocabulary mastery, pronunciation, grammar proficiency, and speaking fluency, into the ESP course design for mathematics teachers.</p> 2024-04-21T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 THE USE OF YOUTUBE VIDEOS TO IMPROVE STUDENTS’ ABILITY IN WRITING EXPLANATION TEXT 2024-02-24T09:43:06+00:00 Marlina [email protected] Usman Kasim [email protected] Siti Sarah Fitriani [email protected] <p>This study aims to investigate the improvement of students' ability in writing Explanation text using YouTube videos as teaching media in writing class. The Classroom Action research (CAR) proposed by Kemmis and Taggart was applied. This research is qualitative research with 30 students of class XI MIPA of SMAN 12 Banda Aceh as research subjects. In collecting the data, a writing test and observation checklist were used. The pre-test and post-test were given to find out the students' writing ability before and after the treatment given. The data revealed that the mean score of post test 1 and post test 2 were higher than pre test. It was gradually increased from 62,70 to 73,30 in post test 1, and 78,80 in post test 2. This indicates that there was a significant improvement in students' writing ability after implementing YouTube videos as media to teach writing explanation text. Thus, it can be concluded that the implementation of YouTube videos can improve students' ability in writing explanation text at XI MIPA 1 SMA Negeri 12 Banda Aceh. It is suggested to other researchers to conduct further research related to the use of YouTube videos not only for writing, but also for reading, speaking, and listening.</p> 2024-04-21T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 THE USE OF SILENT WAY THROUGH DIGITAL FLASHCARDS: BENEFITS AND CHALLENGES 2023-09-02T03:55:52+00:00 Muhamad Tegar Pratama PRATAMA [email protected] Isti Gandana [email protected] <p>The 1970s marked the emergence of innovative pedagogical approaches, notably Caleb Gattegno's Silent Way, as a response to the shortcomings of traditional learning methods like the Grammar-translation approach, which persist today. This research investigates the advantages and challenges of implementing Silent Way at an English Club in Bandung. Two English teachers from the English Club comprised the study cohort, and a qualitative case study served as the chosen methodology. The researcher meticulously processed the analysis through multiple stages. The researcher closely examined the observations to capture detailed insights, while also condensing interview transcriptions for quick reference, contributing to a robust dataset. By combining data from both observations and interviews, this comprehensive approach guided the conclusions of the study, which were presented within the research framework. The findings underscore numerous benefits associated with the utilization of the Silent Way in teaching English to children within an English club. Particularly noteworthy is its capacity to heighten engagement, boost students' confidence, and enhance critical thinking skills. Nonetheless, the study identifies certain internal and external factors as impediments to the full-scale implementation of this teaching method.</p> 2024-04-21T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 ANALYZING STUDENTS’ SPEAKING ANXIETY: LEVEL, CAUSES & STRATEGY 2024-01-23T05:09:06+00:00 Rizka Muftiari Aulia [email protected] Muhammad Dalimunte [email protected] <p>Anxiety is a significant factor that might impede learning a foreign language. This study used qualitative approach. In this study, twenty-five senior high school students and five English teachers participated in this study. Questionnaire and interview were used in this study as the research instrument. The objectives of this study are to investigate the level of anxiety experienced by the students in speaking English, to identify the numerous causes that trigger students’ anxiety in speaking English and to know the English teacher strategies to overcome the anxiety. The results showed that there are three level of anxiety experienced by the students such as very Anxious Level (20%), Anxious Level (23%) and Mildly Anxious level (47%). While, the other students felt relaxed (3%) and very relaxed (7%). In addition, the data also revealed that the factors of students’ anxiety include four aspects such as lack of confidence, lack of Preparation<em>, </em>lack of motivation and fear of making mistake. Finally, the data also found that there are several strategies used by the teacher to overcome the anxiety such as by providing support, playing game, and using question and answer strategies.</p> 2024-04-21T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 TEACHING INDONESIAN CONCEPTS OF CULTURE THROUGH PAMALI 2023-12-22T06:37:44+00:00 Budi Rahmat Setiawan [email protected] <p><em>Pamali </em>teaches the young generations of Indonesia to behave and act decently according to where they live. This is a strong term that brings fear to Indonesians because it contains prohibitions and most often causes that cannot be logically accepted. This research aims to show international readers how Indonesians teach the next generations through pamali (forbidden acts) found in an Indonesian comic. In this research, cultural conceptualization by Sharifian which is supported by Sibarani in his anthropolinguistic theory was used. The research is conducted using the descriptive–qualitative method. The data on <em>pamali </em>utterances are taken from an Indonesian comic book. It is because there is a very limited written source for <em>pamali</em>. The research uses the categorization of the cultural concepts seen in the dictions used. This study aims to find the concept of Indonesian culture. The results revealed that the use of many kinds of word classes that can be interpreted to show the concept of life of Indonesians. The concept teaches us about the people of Indonesia, the food, the daily activities, the sacred symbols, as well as the environment of Indonesia.</p> 2024-04-21T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 AN ANALYSIS OF POSITIVE POLITENESS STRATEGIES IN SPIDERMAN: FAR FROM HOME MOVIE(2019) 2024-02-24T08:37:11+00:00 Indri Novita Sari [email protected] Anam Sutopo [email protected] <p>Communication is an inevitable aspect of human life, driven by our social nature and the need to interact with others through language. Politeness plays a crucial role in communication across all cultures. In this research, the researchers explore the positive politeness strategies depicted in the movie Spiderman: Far From Home. The aim of this research is to identify the various positive politeness strategies used by the characters., pin down the most dominant strategy, and investigate the elements influencing their utilization of positive politeness as proposed by Brown and Levinson. This research employs a qualitative approach. Scrutinizing dialogue data derived from scenes demonstrating positive politeness. The findings elucidate eight positive politeness strategies used by the characters in the movie, with "Observing, attending to the listener" as the most dominant strategy, contributing to 15.9% of the 37 instances. The data also revealed that there are two elements influencing the characters' use of positive politeness such as reward and specific circumstances, involving social distance, relative power, and the degree of imposition.</p> 2024-04-21T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 AN ANALYSIS OF STUDENTS' MOTIVATION IN LEARNING ENGLISH 2024-02-06T22:13:40+00:00 Indi Amelia [email protected] Muhammad Anjar Nugraha [email protected] Slamet Wahyudi Yulianto [email protected] <p>Students’ motivation is the most important key that has an essential impact on the learning process. This research aimed to find out the motivation that most influences students and explored the students’ perceptions about motivational teaching strategies to boost their motivation to learn English. This research took place at one of the vocational high schools in Indramayu, which consisted of 12 students from the tenth grade as participants. This research used a questionnaire, an interview, and observation to collect the data. The data were analyzed qualitatively using interactive techniques. The results revealed that 3 students (25%) got a higher percentage for extrinsic motivation, while 9 students (75%) got the opposite. It was found that intrinsic motivation has the most influence on students learning English. The results of the interview and observation delineated that the students gave positive responses to the motivational teaching strategies applied by their teacher. Moreover, they think that the teacher was an important factor that succeeded in motivating them to learn English. It is suggested that teachers understand their students’ characteristics before deciding to create and apply certain creative strategies. As a result, teachers may design an effective learning method that encourages students to learn English.</p> 2024-04-21T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 A TARGET SITUATION ANALYSIS OF ISLAMIC BOARDING SCHOOL STUDENTS IN LEARNING ENGLISH 2024-03-19T14:55:20+00:00 Karman Karman [email protected] <p>This study was aimed at answering the question of the research namely “What are the target needs of the students in learning English at Pondok Pesantren Tahfidz Al-Qur’an Al-Hudzaifiyyah Kolaka?” The researcher applied a survey study to answer the research question. The instruments of the research were questionnaires and interview guidelines. The data were reported descriptively. The participants of the research were 20 students from various levels of education at Pondok Pesantren Tahfidz Al-Qur’an Al-Hudzaifiyyah Kolaka. The results revealed that the target situation of the students in learning English was divided into three categories namely necessities, lack, and wants. The students’ necessities were interacting verbally in da’wah competition and they needed an advanced level of English to support their careers in the future. Then, the students’ lacks were a lack of vocabulary, lack of ability to compose correct English sentences or lack of grammar, lack of pronunciation, and low competence in understanding what other speakers are saying. Then in terms of wants, they need to use their English as the medium of oral communication to participate in the tafsir Al-Qur’an competition in Musabaqah Tilawatil Qur’an. A recommendation for material designers was made to get suitable learning materials for Islamic boarding school students.</p> 2024-04-21T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 EFL STUDENTS’ PERCEPTION TOWARDS THE USE OF BAAMBOOZLE FOR VOCABULARY LEARNING 2024-03-17T08:36:51+00:00 Alifia Rifda Arini [email protected] Pratnyawati Nuridi Suwarso [email protected] <p>Various methods are used to allow students to be more involved in a meaningful vocabulary learning atmosphere, one of which is using technology-based gamification. This study aims to investigate EFL learners’ perception of technology-based gamification using Baamboozle for English vocabulary learning. Accordingly, following this objective, a qualitative approach was used, with a case study as the research design. In collecting the data, the researchers utilized semi-structured interviews with two high-achieving and two low-achieving students in the 8th grade International Class Program at one of the private junior high schools in Malang, Indonesia. After gaining the data, the researchers analyzed it through three phases: familiarizing and organizing, coding and reducing, and interpreting and representing. The results showed that students respond positively to Baamboozle for vocabulary learning. Their perceptions are then categorized into seven points: 1. Using Bamboozle is an effective way to learn vocabulary; 2. The use of technology in the learning process is important; 3. Learning vocabulary using Baamboozle is more enjoyable; 4. The use of Baamboozle can increase vocabulary; 5. Favorite features of Baamboozle; 6. Students’ difficulties in using Baamboozle; 7. Baamboozle motivates students to learn vocabulary. Thus, utilizing technology-based gamification using Baamboozle is recommended in learning English vocabulary.</p> 2024-04-21T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 ANGER EXPRESSIVE USED BY THE CHARACTERS IN THE CHRONICLES OF NARNIA SERIES 1 2023-08-16T00:48:49+00:00 Endar Septian Kusumawardhani [email protected] Sigit Haryanto [email protected] Titis Setyabudi [email protected] <p>The aims of this study are to investigate the pragmalinguistic forms of anger and to describe the intentions of the anger expressions shown by the characters in the Narnia 1 movie. This research is qualitative research. The data from this study are all conversations that express anger in the Narnia Series 1. In collecting data, researchers used the documentation method. The data were analyzed using Madow's theory of pragmalinguistic forms of anger expressive and Leech's theory of speaking situations. The results of this study indicate that there are three pragmalinguistic forms of angry expressions used by the characters. The forms of the anger expressive are the direct form (26), the vague form (12), and the indirect form (1). The results of this study also show that there are eleven meanings of angry expressions. They are questioning (5), asserting (11), commanding (5), criticizing (2), mocking (5), disbelieving (2), ordering (1), suggesting (1), disagreeing (2), warning (3), and declaring (2). Thus, it can be concluded that direct form of anger is the form that appears the most in Narnia movie and asserting is the most dominant intention used by the characters in Narnia movie</p> 2024-04-21T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 INVESTIGATING THE ASSESSMENT PROCESS OF AN EFL TEACHER IN ASSESSING STUDENTS IN VOCATIONAL SCHOOL 2024-03-18T00:29:10+00:00 Yudi Lesmana [email protected] Pupung Purnawarman [email protected] <p>Inconsistent evaluations may result from unreliable assessments, which in turn may result in unjust assessments of students' abilities. Marginalised groups, such as English language learners coming from diverse cultural contexts, may experience a disproportionate impact from this phenomenon. Inaccurate evaluations have the potential to perpetuate educational inequities, reinforce stereotypes, and restrict avenues for academic progress. Consequently, the purpose of this study is to describe how an English teacher evaluate English proficiency of their students. This study employs descriptive qualitative method. The subject of this research was an English teacher with eleven years of experience at a vocational school located in Lembang. The data was gathered via semi-structured interviews. A number of processes are involved in the analysis of data, including collection, documentation, identification, and interpretation. The findings showed several strategies used by the teacher in developing assessment tools. First, learning objectives are used by the teacher in developing assessment tools. In addition, the data also revealead that there are three factors that need to be considered in developing assessment tools such as students ability, difficulty level and the effectiveness. Furthermore, feedback and and regular assessment should be provided.</p> 2024-04-21T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 STUDENTS’ PERCEPTION OF USING DEEPL FOR TRANSLATING ENGLISH TEXT 2024-03-24T08:18:24+00:00 Fhatur Ananda Sidiq [email protected] Syafryadin Syafryadin [email protected] <p>Translation is important in the English as a Foreign Language (EFL) setting since it requires turning the source language into the target language. This study is innovative considering the lack of earlier research in this subject. A descriptive quantitative technique was adopted in this study. Twenty six students of Physical Education was done fill the questionnaire. This in-depth assessment was carried out in order to learn as much as possible about the students' points of view and to determine whether or not their opinion was primarily poor or very good. The results demonstrate that while students using DeepL for translation realise vocabulary limitations, they also accept translation approaches. Beyond Google Translate, DeepL's extensive application, adaptability, and efficiency in word-by-word, phrase-by-phrase, and paragraph-by-paragraph translation tasks make it a crucial component of the translation process. Students' use of dictionaries is impacted by DeepL in varied ways; some overcome sloth, while others get addicted to quick searches. Students actively verify findings and learn grammar, even if they have doubts about DeepL. According to the study, the key to adopting DeepL is resolving vocabulary difficulties and striking a balance between technology and traditional language learning methodologies. In order to develop digital language training methods, it suggests examining DeepL's long-term effects on language learning objectives and proficiency.</p> 2024-04-21T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 THE IMPLEMENTATION OF MERDEKA CURRICULUM IN VOCATIONAL SCHOOL: PROGRESSIVISM PERSPECTIVE ANALYSIS 2024-01-03T00:00:32+00:00 Umi Sismia Wardani [email protected] Wening Sahayu [email protected] <p>Merdeka’s curriculum is expected to motivate students to actively participate in the learning process and make decisions regarding their learning. This research aims to describe the concept of Merdeka curriculum learning with a progressivism view at vocational high schools in Indonesia. This research used qualitative research method with thirty-six students taking fashion design classes at a vocational high school as the respondents of this research. This research used direct observation in class, as well as documentation as data collection techniques. The results showed that in implementing Merdeka Curriculum, the classroom activities conducted by the teacher are in line with progressivism perspective. It can be seen from the core activity in each meeting that implemented five stages of scientific approach such as observing, questioning, implementing, associating, and presenting. In each stage, teacher plays a role as the facilitator who guides the students to become active during teaching and learning process. In addition, the use of media such as PowerPoint and mentimeter can make students become active involved during teaching and learning process.</p> 2024-04-21T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 ENGLISH COURSE ENROLMENT ON STUDENTS’ SPEAKING PROFICIENCY: A PERCEPTION-BASED STUDY 2023-12-22T08:24:21+00:00 Syahrul Jihad [email protected] Ika Lestari Damayanti [email protected] <p>English is considered as a foreign language in Indonesia, the EFL learners face difficulties in speaking due to lack of practice and experience conveying their opinion, feeling, thought, and message in the target language because they have limited time and place to utilize it. There are numerous ways that can support students to enhance their speaking ability, one of them are joining an English course. This study aims to find out about students’ perception of English course can assist them to improve their speaking skill. Two students who have been learning English at the course were involved in this study. A qualitative design was used, and semi-structured interview was conducted to obtain the data. The results indicate that English course improves students’ speaking ability and enhance their public speaking skill. Some suggestions are suggested to enhance the quality of the students’ speaking skill and develop more engaging and challenging activity to the English course.</p> 2024-04-21T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE TOOLS IN WRITING CLASS: STUDENTS’ PREFERENCES AND LECTURERS’ PERCEPTIONS 2024-03-30T14:10:08+00:00 Irma Suryani [email protected] Rahma Fithriani [email protected] <p>One of the benefits of artificial intelligence in the field of education is that it aids in writing. The aims of this research are to explore University students’ preferences in using AI for writing and investigate lecturers' perceptions regarding the use of artificial intelligence tools in EFL writing class. Qualitative research methods with case study design employed in this study. The data was collected by using questionnaires and interview. Ten EFL students and three lecturers from three different universities in Indonesia were involved as the respondents of this research. The findings revealed that there are nine types of AI ​​tools used by students in writing classes such as Quillbot, Grammerly, Chat GPT, Humata AI, Resume AI, Jenni AI, Perplexity, Deepl, and AI writing. Apart from that, the data also revealed the views of the lecturers on the use of AI. The data showed that AI writing tool have the influences on students' writing that the use of AI has received positive responses. Therefore, it can be inferred that Artificial Intelligence tools can be used in writing classes as long as it does not violate code in writing and not dependency.</p> <p> </p> 2024-04-21T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 INTEGRATING A SCIENTIFIC APPROACH ON MOBILE ASSISTED LANGUAGE LEARNING IN ENGLISH WRITING INSTRUCTION 2024-03-30T14:13:00+00:00 Irma Savitri Sadikin [email protected] Oktian Fajar Nugroho [email protected] Muhamad Bahrul Ulum [email protected] <p>Writing has often been considered a challenging skill to master. The purpose of this research is to investigate the effect of a scientific approach based on Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL) on enhancing students' descriptive writing abilities. This investigation employed classroom action research with twenty-four ninth-grade junior high school students in West Jakarta as participants. The research was conducted in two cycles, utilizing observation, interviews, and a series of writing tests to collect data. The results indicated that students' writing improved as a consequence of the use of a scientific approach based on MALL. By engaging them in a number of practices at each meeting, working with websites and applications, and seeking feedback from both students and teachers, MALL tended to enhance students' writing abilities. Implementing a scientific approach supported by MALL has shown potential in helping learners enhance their ideas in writing. They demonstrated their ability to create lengthy paragraphs supplemented with relevant details. Students boosted their vocabulary learning by using digital dictionaries and watching videos. Regular feedback from peers and teachers were crucial in helping students understand the significance of punctuation and spelling accuracy in their written work. Therefore, it is advised to conduct additional scholarly research to examine the effectiveness of the scientific approach based on MALL, covering not just writing skills but also extending to reading, speaking, or listening skills.</p> 2024-04-21T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024