Semantik 2024-09-03T06:07:04+00:00 Yusep Ahmadi F. [email protected] Open Journal Systems <p class="Apple-converted-space">Semantik: Jurnal Ilmiah Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia publishes original research or theoretical papers about teaching and learning in<span class="Apple-converted-space"> language and literature education in Indonesia study program of IKIP Siliwangi </span>on current science issues, namely:</p> <ul> <li>Indonesia language and literature educator in elementary, secondary and high school level.</li> <li>Indonesia language and literature observers and researchers.</li> <li>Educational decisions maker on regional and national level.</li> </ul> <p>We recommend classroom action research, qualitative, descriptive, or quantitative. We may process manuscript of didactic development research (DDR) or research and development (RnD). Our publication could be research on teaching method,<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>experiment<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>of teaching aid or media, and even effectiveness of lesson study. We accepted any manuscript derived from research<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>of language and literature education in Indonesia. We will not process manuscript from research approach of school management.</p> EFEKTIVITAS KEGIATAN MENULIS ULASAN BUKU FIKSI DAN NONFIKSI TERHADAP KEMAMPUAN ANALISIS KRITIS MAHASISWA 2024-06-01T01:44:19+00:00 Sary Sukawati [email protected] Ai Siti Zenab [email protected] <p>Learning through reviews can provide space for students to demonstrate critical analysis skills in reading and writing reviews. This research aims to: 1) describe the effectiveness of review learning on students' critical analysis of fiction and non-fiction books, 2) determine the extent to which students are able to apply critical analysis skills in writing reviews of fiction and non-fiction books. The research method used is descriptive quantitative with data collection techniques through observation, questionnaires and tests. The object of the research is data from writing review texts by 1st semester students of the D4 Department of Health Promotion, Poltekkes Kemenkes Bandung. The research results show that the activity of writing fiction and non-fiction book reviews is effective in developing students' critical analysis skills. Review activities include five stages: 1) orientation, 2) synopsis/summary, 3) analysis, 4) evaluation, and 5) conclusion. The results of students' critical analysis skills showed an average score of 90.37 in fiction and 84.71 in non-fiction. Thus, it can be concluded that the activity of writing fiction and non-fiction book reviews has the potential to make a positive contribution to the development of critical analysis skills for students.</p> 2024-09-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 INTERFERENSI BAHASA BUGIS, ARAB, DAN INGGRIS TERHADAP BAHASA INDONESIA PADA MAHASISWA IAIN PAREPARE: KAJIAN SOSIOLINGUISTIK 2024-05-28T00:16:08+00:00 Suhartina [email protected] <p>This research aims to describe the forms of interference from Arabic, English, and Bugis languages into Indonesian, as well as the causes of such interference. This study employs a qualitative method with semi-structured interview techniques, text analysis, and observation. The theories used in this research are sociolinguistic theory, which views language as a social and cultural phenomenon, and language contact theory, which explains that bilingualism can lead to language interference. The results show that the interference from Bugis, English, and Arabic into Indonesian among students includes phonological, lexical, and morphological interference. The causes of language interference among students are bilingualism, lack of knowledge, habits, and politeness.</p> 2024-09-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 GOOGLE SCHOLAR SEBAGAI SUMBER LITERASI DIGITAL DALAM MENULIS ARTIKEL ILMIAH DI PERGURUAN TINGGI 2024-05-20T03:26:13+00:00 Lilis Amaliah Rosdiana [email protected] Vismaia S. Damaianti [email protected] Yeti Mulyati [email protected] Andoyo Sastromiharjo [email protected] <p>The purpose of this study is to determine the difficulties of students in academic writing and the role of Google Scholar as a source of digital literacy. The research used is descriptive research with a qualitative approach. The research was conducted on students of class 2020 of Winaya Mukti University who were taking 50 thesis courses. This study used data collection techniques, interviews and questionnaires. The results are the difficulties faced by students in academic writing, namely not optimal ability and knowledge in academic writing, students find it difficult to find ideas, ideas and topics in the academic writing they will write, students find it difficult to develop academic writing systematics, and students have difficulty getting references from the internet articles that match the topic they choose. Google Scholar is very important as a digital reference source in academic writing. With the existence of Google Scholar, students are greatly helped in finding reference sources, thousands of articles with the same topics as those chosen by students cause students to no longer have difficulty in developing ideas or ideas from scientific articles. The existence of Google Scholar is also seen as easy in terms of time and cost.</p> 2024-09-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 MENGUNGKAP IDEOLOGI DI BALIK SELERA: ANALISIS WACANA KRITIS PADA IKLAN VIDEO GOFOOD DAN GRABFOOD 2024-05-30T02:38:00+00:00 Eva Rosita [email protected] Nani Solihati [email protected] <p>This study critically analyzes the food delivery digital (video) advertisements by GoFood and GrabFood in Indonesia using Norman Fairclough's Critical Discourse Analysis approach. It aims to uncover how language in these advertisements shapes social reality and communicates specific ideologies to consumers. Through text analysis, discursive practices, and socio-cultural context, the study evaluates how these advertisements serve as promotional tools and embed social values and norms influencing consumer identity and behavior. The qualitative descriptive methodology focuses on GoFood and GrabFood YouTube advertisments, highlighting the strategic use of language and visual representation. Findings indicate that GoFood “Breaking News” and GrabFood “Hematematika” advertisements optimize linguistic and structural elements to convey ideologies of efficiency and modernity. The discussion explores the implications of these findings within social and cultural practices and their impact on economic and social dynamics. The study contributes to developing more inclusive and representative communication strategies in digital marketing. Further research should investigate similar advertisements in different cultural contexts to understand the broader impact.</p> 2024-09-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PENGARUH KEAGAMAAN DALAM CAMPUR KODE DAN ALIH KODE TUTURAN ACARA SINIAR BERBEDA TAPI BERSAMA 2024-05-27T04:52:15+00:00 Mad Yahya [email protected] Nur Santriani Utari Azim [email protected] <p>In this article, the author aims to analyze the forms of language variation in the event <em>Berbeda Tapi Bersama</em> (BTB) and its correlation with the speakers’ religious identity. A qualitative method approach was used in this study with data sources derived from three episodes of the BTB podcast. Data was collected using transcription techniques from the verbal utterances of the participants in the program. The study results show variations in speech in the form of code mixing and code switching originating from various languages such as Arabic, Javanese, Hebrew, and Latin. These code-mixing and code-switching forms are linguistic expressions related to the religiosity aspects of the participants. The identification found five categories related to these language variations i.e. vocative utterances, religious rituals, codes or terms originating from the holy book, and the naming of religious groups. Based on the code-mixing and code-switching that is used, Arabic was spoken by Muslim speakers, Latin and Javanese by Christian speakers, and Hebrew by Jewish speakers. The difference in the tendency of code-mixing and code-switching represents the different religious identities of the speakers in the BTB program.</p> 2024-09-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 STRUKTUR SEMANTIK ONOMATOPE BAHASA INDONESIA PENDEKATAN METABAHASA SEMANTIK ALAMI 2024-07-15T06:54:10+00:00 Siti Ayu Nurhidayati [email protected] Mulyadi Mulyadi [email protected] <p>This research aims to describe the types of Indonesian onomatopoeia and describe the original meaning of Indonesian onomatopoeic verbs to be simple so that it is easily understood by cross-linguistic people. The method used is descriptive qualitative method. Data collection techniques by observing and recording data obtained from written media, such as textbooks and websites. The findings obtained from this research are that there are four types of Indonesian onomatopoeia, namely human voices, animal voices, natural sounds, sounds of various kinds of sound imitations. Some semantic structures of verbs show similarities and differences, namely differences in intention and desire from state verbs, process verbs, and action verbs. The semantic structures of calling verbs (<em>piyaak-piyak-piyaak, ssshh-ssshh</em>), stopping verbs (<em>ti</em>), and thumping verbs (<em>bush-bush-bush</em>) have purposive factors and desires. Similarly, the group of attacking verbs (<em>eh hok hik, gludug-gludug, klontang, tet-tet-tet</em>) have purposive and desirability factors. However, in the group of generating verbs (<em>glug-glug-glug, uhuk-uhuk</em>), falling verbs (<em>bruk</em>), and blowing verbs (<em>whoosh</em>) have no intentionality and are not purposive. The use of onomatopoeia has the benefit of creating a more vivid sound effect in the work so that readers can better feel the atmosphere of the story.</p> 2024-09-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Semantik ANALISIS ASESMEN SUMATIF PADA PEMBELAJARAN BAHASA INDONESIA FASE E 2024-07-17T13:01:15+00:00 Intan Kholida Dj S [email protected] Irma Suryani [email protected] Mukhlash Abrar [email protected] <p>The aim of this research is to describe the results of summative assessments in Indonesian language learning. The research uses qualitative methods with descriptive presentation. Primary data was taken from the results of the final year assessment of MA Al-Khairiyah students. The primary data source comes from carrying out year-end assessments at MA Al-Khairiyah. Participants in this research were class X students at MA Al-Khairiyah. The data collection technique in this research is documentation. Documentation techniques are used to document each activity carried out. Research data analysis uses an interactive model through data reduction, data displays, and conclusions. Based on the results of the analysis of summative assessments in Indonesian language learning, students' learning achievements can be seen from the completed learning. As many as seven out of fifteen students still have not reached the standard criteria for achieving learning objectives. To achieve predetermined learning outcomes, educators must improve the learning process or revise strategies for implementing further learning.</p> 2024-09-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 POTENSI PUISI INDONESIA SEBAGAI MEDIA BIBLIOTERAPI KESEHATAN MENTAL: KAJIAN PSIKOLOGI SASTRA 2024-08-02T06:37:14+00:00 Dheka Dwi Agustiningsih [email protected] Jatmika Nurhadi [email protected] <p>This study analyzes three Indonesian poems—Dengan Puisi, Aku by Taufiq Ismail, Episode by W.S. Rendra, and Cipasung by Acep Zamzam Noor—within the framework of literary psychology to explore their potential as therapeutic tools for mental health. The analysis employs nine criteria derived from the theories of Leedy (1969) and Mazza (2022), focusing on aspects such as theme, language, emotional depth, structure, cultural relevance, interpretive flexibility, complexity balance, and positive and transformative themes. The results demonstrate that these poems consistently support positive emotional reflection and responsibility, aligning with the study's objective to explore the therapeutic potential of Indonesian poetry. These poems avoid themes that could exacerbate mental health issues, such as despair, guilt, and suicidal tendencies, making them relevant and effective for use in mental health therapy in Indonesia. This research contributes significantly to the literature on poetry therapy by introducing a literary psychology approach to analyzing Indonesian poetry. The findings not only enhance the understanding of how poetry can aid emotional healing but also provide a foundation for developing culturally relevant and effective therapeutic methods in Indonesia.</p> 2024-09-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 INTEGRASI TEKNOLOGI DIGITAL DALAM PEMBELAJARAN MENULIS: TINJAUAN PUSTAKA 2024-08-09T23:31:20+00:00 Nurfidah [email protected] Andoyo Sastromiharjo [email protected] <p>The use of digital technology in education has experienced rapid development, especially in teaching writing skills. This study aims to examine the impact of the use of digital technology on students' writing skills. This study uses a literature review method with content analysis techniques to identify and understand themes that emerge from relevant literature. Data sources are taken from journal articles published from 2019 to 2024, using strict inclusion and exclusion criteria. Quantitative analysis was carried out through a meta-analysis approach to calculate the magnitude of the impact of interventions reported in various studies. The results of the study indicate that the integration of digital technology has a significant positive impact on students' writing skills. The overall impact of 0.77 indicates a substantial increase in writing skills caused by the use of digital technology. In addition, digital technology also supports collaborative and inclusive learning, which is important in the context of modern education. The implications of this study are the importance of adopting and integrating digital technology in the education curriculum to improve students' writing skills. Recommendations provided include the development of technological infrastructure, teacher training, and the development of more adaptive and collaborative digital learning resources.</p> 2024-09-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PENGEMBANGAN BAHAN AJAR BAHASA INDONESIA BERBASIS STEAM MENGGUNAKAN APLIKASI FLIPBOOK 2024-08-16T02:55:45+00:00 Wikanengsih Wikanengsih [email protected] Yeni Rostikawati [email protected] <p><em>The</em><em> development of learning materials is a demand that is needed in the future, especially the application of hybrid learning. The use of hybrid learning materials is very urgent to anticipate the situation, both offline learning, computer-based learning, and online learning. This research aims to develop a STEAM-based teaching material model with a Flipbook application for Indonesian Language subjects in class X of high school. The method used is research and development (R&amp;D) with data collection techniques through observation, questionnaires, and validation. Descriptive-qualitative analysis was applied, and the test results showed an average increase of 0.567 (medium category). The average difference between the initial test and the final test was 23.8, which indicates that this STEAM-based teaching material is effective for use at the high school level.</em></p> 2024-09-17T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024