Reading skills enhancement, Primary school education, Learner performance, Curriculum developmentAbstract
This study examines the strategies of enhancing reading abilities among elementary school learners. Focusing on primary schools in Kayunga district, it employs qualitative research methods and a case study design involving nine schools. Through literature review, observations, interviews, document analysis, and focused group discussions, the study explores the causes of poor reading abilities, teaching models, and effective strategies for enhancing reading skills. The findings underscore factors such as limited access to suitable reading materials, insufficient parental support, and cultural mismatches in content. Teaching models identified include the bottom-up, top-down, and interactive approaches. The study suggests strategies like developing engaging non-textbook reading materials, establishing readers' clubs, and incorporating localized content. It recommends redesigning the national curriculum to prioritize reading engagement, assessing reading skills, ensuring consistent reading activities, effective supervision, parental involvement, and creating conducive reading environments. The research underscores the importance of targeted strategies, pedagogical innovation, and collaborative efforts to address the challenge of subpar reading abilities among primary school learners in Kayunga district.References
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