
  • Winda Saputri Universitas Pamulang
  • Yasir Mubarok Universitas Pamulang



Sentence Acquisition, Autism, Syntax


The purpose of this research is to investigate investigated syntactic acquisition in a child with autism aged 9 years. The method used is using descriptive qualitative method. The main data source for this research is the topic of investigation and data collected directly without using intermediaries. Meanwhile, secondary data sources in this study include books, journals, and articles on children's language acquisition. The results of the study found that there were 29 data which were divided into several parts including; 15 declarative sentences with 68 morphemes (51.72%), 3 interrogative sentences with 16 morphemes (10.34%), 5 imperative sentences with 13 morphemes (17.24%), and 6 interrogative sentences with 27 morphemes (20.70 %). Based on the results of the study, the most dominant was the acquisition of declarative sentences, namely 51.72%, and based on the MLU (Mean Length of Utterance) measurement, the student's speech was 4.27 words that were spoken or were in stage X. It means that the language acquisition of a child with autism is appropriate for their age. The findings of this study can help educators and parents better understand the stage of language development in autistic children and plan suitable stimulation strategies.

Author Biographies

Winda Saputri, Universitas Pamulang

Sastra Indonesia

Yasir Mubarok, Universitas Pamulang

Sastra Indonesia


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