KIK-IRMA Learning Model, Instructional Media, Procedural Text, Canva, Youtube, InfographicAbstract
This study aims to evaluate the implementation of the KIK-IRMA learning model using varied media to enhance students' skills in procedural text learning at the junior high school level. A descriptive qualitative approach was employed, involving ninth-grade students in one of Indonesia's junior high schools. The media utilized included Canva, YouTube, and paper-based infographics, selected to align with students' learning styles and enrich their learning experiences. The findings revealed that the use of Canva and YouTube significantly boosted students' motivation and comprehension of procedural texts by over 80%, while paper-based infographics contributed to improving visual literacy and information structuring skills. Challenges included limitations in technological infrastructure and teachers' competence in utilizing digital media. This study contributes to the development of technology-based learning strategies relevant to students' needs in the digital era. The implications suggest the need to strengthen schools' technological capacity and diversify learning media.References
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