
  • Munzila Adelawati Universitas Gadjah Mada
  • Sailal Arimi Universitas Gadjah Mada




Forensic Linguistics, Lina Mukherjee, ITE Law


The case of Lina Mukherjee (LM) who uploaded a controversial video on Tiktok in 2023 attracted considerable public attention. LM was reported to the Palembang District Court and sentenced to imprisonment for two years. The purpose of this study is to identify the form and type of LM's speech, analyze the lexical and grammatical meaning of LM's speech, and assess the qualifications of LM's speech that can trigger hatred towards certain individuals and groups. Data collection is done by documentation method, which is collecting data spread in social media, following the legal process from the web putusan.mahkamahagung.go.id which has permanent legal force (Inkracht). After the data is collected, it is analyzed with a forensic linguistic approach. Linguistic data from the legal process is analyzed using sociolinguistic and pragmatic approaches. The result of this research is that the speech used by LM has negative diction and the speech of the defendant LM contains four types of non-literal speech acts, namely Irony, Hyperbole, Humor, and Sarcasm. The prosecutor's indictment against LM did not find any evidence of racial hatred. The prosecutor's indictment against LM did not find any misuse of the 2016 ITE Law.


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