Bilingual Education, Ethnopedagogy, Beginning Reading and WritingAbstract
This study aims to describe the form of bilingual education practices and language use tendencies, the content of local wisdom, and the effectiveness of learning to read and write beginnings with a bilingual education and ethnopedagogy approach. The method used is mixed approach. Data in the form of 1) Indonesian and Dawan words, phrases, and sentences and their tendency of use, 2) words, phrases, sentences that show the local wisdom of the Dawan tribe and the content of the local wisdom of the Dawan tribe in learning, and 3) the level of learning effectiveness. Data were obtained from educators and students at SD Negeri Lanaus, as well as traditional leaders through observation, questionnaires, interviews, and documentation. The results show that there are bilingual education practices that involve the use of Indonesian and Dawan language. Educators and students are more likely to use Indonesian by 71%. The integration of local wisdom of the Dawan community in the learning process as an implementation of the ethnopedagogical approach. The results of learning effectiveness include learning management reaching 77%, learner response reaching 100%, learning activity 75%, and average learner learning outcomes 77.17%. The result is a successful practice of bilingual education and ethnopedagogy.References
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