family planning, counseling, turning sheetAbstract
The present study examines the importance of family planning counseling in the context of reproductive health decision-making and seeks to improve the competencies of healthcare providers in this domain. Through an investigation into the effects of utilizing turning sheets as visual aids, this study aims to contribute to the existing body of knowledge by addressing gaps in understanding healthcare professionals' perspectives and the potential influence of turning sheets on counseling effectiveness. The study employs a qualitative descriptive approach to investigate the firsthand accounts of healthcare practitioners, including nurses, midwives, physicians, and community health workers. The utilization of turning sheets during counseling is explored through in-depth semi-structured interviews, which provide valuable insights into the obstacles, successes, and overall experiences of individuals. The counseling program utilized a systematic approach, incorporating didactic sessions, interactive workshops, and role-playing exercises to provide the cadre with the necessary skills for effective communication and problem-solving. The results emphasize the significance of utilizing turning sheets to enhance the competence and confidence of personnel, improve the transmission of information, and effectively handle the problems of clients. The distinctiveness of this study consists in its complete investigation of the effects of turning sheets on the competency of cadres, with the ultimate goal of enhancing client-centered family planning counseling.References
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