Books Review on Pokoknya Sunda: Interpretasi untuk Aksi; Pokoknya Rekayasa Literasi; Language, Culture, and Education: A Portrait of Contemporary Indonesia


  • Dasep Suprijadi Dosen Tetap Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris STKIP Siliwangi Bandung



This review examines three Alwasilah’s books entitled: 1) Pokoknya Sunda: Interpretasi untuk Aksi; 2) Pokoknya Rekayasa Literasi; and 3) Language, Culture, and Education: A Portrait of Contemporary Indonesia.  The reviewer endeavors to evaluate the author’s point of view and the contents of the books supported by a set of extant theories dealing with the similar issues.  These books are designed as a set of foundations and learning materials of some subjects taught by the author. The author explores the insight concerning various contemporary issues dealing with policy, literacy, language as well as culture and education in this beloved country, Indonesia.


Ali, Mohammad.(2009). Education for Indonesian National Development. Bandung: PT Imperial Bakti Utama

Beeby, C.E. (1979). Assessment of Indonesian Education: A Guide in Planning. Wellington: Oxford University Press

Disparbud Jabar.(2013). International Conference on Sundanese Culture:

Reinventing Sunda in Strengthening National Culture and Promoting Cultural Diversity . stcontent.php?id= 18&lang=i d

Harrison, L.E and Huntington, S.P. (2000). Culture Matters. United States of America: Basic Books

Kern, Richard (2009). Literacy and Language Teaching. New York: Oxford University Press

Sugiharto, Setiono. (2013). Revitalizing Language Policy. Jakarta: Sunday Post

Suherdi, Didi. (2012). Toward the 21st Century English Teacher Education: An Indonesian Perspective. Bandung: Celtics Press


