Is it accurate to assume that students with high levels of spoken English proficiency do not encounter foreign language speaking anxiety? While multiple studies have investigated foreign language speaking anxiety among high-English proficiency students, the findings have been inconsistent and inconclusive. Furthermore, most of the existing research has focused on high-English proficiency students in general, without specifically examining spoken English proficiency. To address this research gap, this study aims to provide insights into the experience and sources of foreign language anxiety among students with high oral proficiency. The study employed a qualitative research design, with participants consisting of master's degree students who had demonstrated high oral proficiency through validated tests. One-on-one in-depth interviews were conducted to explore their learning and communication experiences in English as a foreign language (EFL). The findings reveal that students with high oral proficiency still experience foreign language speaking anxiety. The sources of anxiety identified into five major points: 1) Fear of making mistakes, 2) classmates, 3) lecturer, 4) classroom, and 5) self-efficacy. The implications of these findings for foreign language teachers are discussed. Keywords: EFL students, English majors, Foreign language anxiety, Foreign language Speaking anxiety, High-oral proficiency studentsReferences
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