Teachers' perspectives on picture books themed on disasters for early childhood
Story book, disaster, perspective PreparednessAbstract
In this study, the author discusses teachers' perspectives on illustrated storybooks in introducing disaster preparedness to young children. This research employed a descriptive design. The objective of this study is to provide a detailed or systematic description of teachers' perspectives on the development of illustrated storybook learning media with a disaster theme to be introduced to young children, The data collection technique used by the author is an interview with a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) approach. The analysis technique used is by transcribing the results of interviews conducted with experts in detail. A transcript is a process of transferring data from audio recordings or field notes into a descriptive text. The research results can serve as a basis for researchers in developing illustrated storybooks on disaster themes for young children.References
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Copyright (c) 2024 Ratna Dwi Nurcahyani, Aghnia Farrassyania Azhar, Regita Musfita, Diantifani Rizkita

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