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Makalah ini melaporkan temuan satu eksperimen dengan disain pretest-postest dengan kelompok kontrol dan menerapkan pendekatan kontekstual dan strategi formulate-share-listen-create (FSLC), untuk menelaah kemampuan pemahaman dan komunikasi matematik siswa SMK. Subyek penelitian ini adalah 80 siswa SMK program keahlian pemasaran di Bandung. Instrumen penelitian terdiri dari tes kemampuan pemahaman dan komunikasi matematik serta disposisi matematik. Berdasarkan analisis data menggunakan SPSS 16.0 dan Microsoft Excel 2010, penelitian menemukan: Pencapaian dan peningkatan kemampuan pemahaman dan komunikasi matematik siswa yang memperoleh pendekatan kontekstual dan strategi formulate-share-listen-create (FSLC) lebih baik daripada pencapaian dan peningkatan kemampuan siswa yang memperoleh pembelajaran konvensional.  Penelitian juga menemukan adanya asosiasi sedang antara kemampuan pemahaman dan komunikasi matematik, dan siswa menunjukkan disposisi matematik yang positif terhadap pendekatan kontekstual dan strategi formulate-share-listen-create (FSLC) Kata Kunci    : pendekatan kontekstual, strategi formulate-share-listen-create, pemahaman dan komunikasi matematik, disposisi matematik  This paper reports the findings from an experimental prettest-posttest control group design conducted by using contextual approach and formulate-share-listen-create (FSLC) strategy to investigate students’ mathematical understanding and communication abilities.The study involved 80 grade-11 students from SMK of marketing field program in Bandung. The instrumens of this study are mathematical undestanding test, mathematical communication test, and mathematical disposistion scale. By using SPSS 16.0 and Microsoft Excel 2010, the study found the contextual approach and formulate-share-listen-create (FSLC) strategy was able to improve students’ mathematical understanding and mathematical communication abilities better than that of conventional approach. Students’ mathematical understanding and communication abilities were classified as mediocore. Furthermore, the study found there was medium association between mathematical understanding and mathematical communication abilities, and students performed positive disposition on contextual approach and formulate-share-listen-create (FSLC) strategy. Key words     :  contextual approach, formulate strategies, share, listen, create, understanding and mathematical communication, mathematical disposition

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