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Makalah ini melaporkan temuan satu eksperimen dengan disain tes awal-tes akhir dan kelompok kontrol yang dilaksanakan dengan mengimplementasikan pendekatan induktif-deduktif disertai dengan strategi Think-Pair-Square-Share untuk meningkatkan kemampuan pemahaman dan kemampuan berpikir krtis matematis siswa. Studi ini melibatkan 81 siswa kelas-11 dari satu SMA di Cimahi. Instrumen penelitian terdiri dari tes pemahaman matematis, tes berpikir kritis matematis dan skala pendapat. Studi menemukan bahwa pendekatan induktif-deduktif disertai dengan strategi Think-Pair-Square-Share  lebih unggul dalam meningkatkan kemampuan pemahaman dan berpikir kritis matematis siswa daripada pembelajaran biasa. Kemampuan pemahaman dan kemampuan berpikir krtis matematis siswa yang mendapat pembelajaran dengan pendekatan induktif-deduktif disertai dengan strategi Think-Pair-Square-Share tergolong sedang dan kemampuan matematis siswa yang memperoleh pembelajaran biasa tergolong kurang. Namun ditemukan tidak terdapat perbedaan disposisi matematis pada kedua kelas, dan diposisi matematis tersebut tergolong sedang. Selain itu, studi juga menemukan terdapat asosiasi yang lemah antar kemampuan pemahaman, berpikir kritis, dan disposisi matematis. Namun siswa menunjukkan pendapat yang positif terhadap pembelajaran dengan pendekatan induktif-deduktif disertai strategi Think-Pair-Square-Share. Kata Kunci   : pendekatan induktif-deduktif, strategi Think-Pair-Square-Share, pemahaman matematis, berpikir kritis matematis, diposisi matematis   This paper presents the findings from a pretest-post test experimental control group design conducted by using inductive-deductive approach accompanied with Think-Pair-Square-Share strategy to investigate students’ mathematical understanding and critical thinking abilities and students’ disposition toward teaching approach. The study involved 81 grade-11 students from a Senior High School in Cimahi. The instrumens were mathematical understanding and mathematical critical thinking abilities tests, and an opinion scale. The study found that inductive-deductive approach accompany with Think-Pair-Square-Share strategy was able to improve students’ mathematical understanding and mathematical critical thinking abilities better than conventional teaching. Mathematical understanding and mathematical critical thinking abilities of students taught by inductive-deductive approach accompanied with Think-Pair-Square-Share strategy were classified as medium whereas those mathematical abilities of students taught by conventional approach were classified as low. However, there was no difference in mathematical disposition between students taught by inductive-deductive approach accompany with Think-Pair-Square-Share strategy and students taught by conventional teaching, and both mathematical disposition were classified as medium. The study also found that there were low association among mathematical understanding, critical thinking, and disposition. Moreover, the study found that students performed positive disposition toward inductive-deductive approach accompany with Think-Pair-Square-Share strategy. Key words    : inductive-deductive approach, Think-Pair-Square-Share strategy, mathematical understanding, critical mathematical thinking, disposition