Infinity Journal Volume 12 Issue 2 (September 2023) has been available online since June 14, 2023, for the regular issue of September 2023. All articles in this issue (13 research articles) covers 55 authors from 8 countries of origin (Indonesia; Philippines; Taiwan; South Africa; Czechia; Malaysia; Brunei Darussalam; and Iraq).


Published: Jun 14, 2023

Utilizing lesson study in teaching synthetic division for procedural fluency in a post-pandemic classroom

Pages: 193-206

Abstract views: 3 | PDF downloads: 552

Evaluating graphing quadratic worksheet on visual thinking classification: A confirmatory analysis

Pages: 207-224

Abstract views: 1 | PDF downloads: 302

Towards numeracy literacy development: A single-case study on the use of the living book homeschooling model

Pages: 225-242

Abstract views: 5 | PDF downloads: 705

Systematic literature review on the recent three-year trend mathematical representation ability in scopus database

Pages: 243-260

Abstract views: 17 | PDF downloads: 788

Mathematics teacher educators’ noticing of pedagogical content knowledge on hierarchical classification of quadrilateral

Pages: 261-274

Abstract views: 3 | PDF downloads: 430

Grade 10 Namibian learners' problem-solving skills in algebraic word problems

Pages: 275-290

Abstract views: 8 | PDF downloads: 367

Generalizations and analogical reasoning of junior high school viewed from Bruner's learning theory

Pages: 291-306

Abstract views: 3 | PDF downloads: 976

Teaching measurement: The role of mathematics teachers' enacted PCK on gain in learner outcomes

Pages: 307-322

Abstract views: 2 | PDF downloads: 268

The profile of students' mathematical representation competence, self-confidence, and habits of mind through problem-based learning models

Pages: 323-338

Abstract views: 2 | PDF downloads: 469

Exploring students’ perceptions of private mathematics tutoring in three countries

Pages: 339-358

Abstract views: 2 | PDF downloads: 348

The development of proton-electron math e-comic to improve special needs students’ mathematical concepts understanding

Pages: 359-376

Abstract views: 5 | PDF downloads: 547

Proving geometry theorems: Student prospective teachers’ perseverance and mathematical reasoning

Pages: 377-392

Abstract views: 3 | PDF downloads: 376

Combination of mathematical literacy with ethnomathematics: How to perspective sundanese culture

Pages: 393-414

Abstract views: 2 | PDF downloads: 621