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This study aims to investigate mathematics teacher educators’ (MTE) knowledge in noticing preservice teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) on the hierarchical classification of the quadrilateral. A multiple case study was conducted to analyze the responses of ten MTEs in an online moderated-forum group discussion (M-FGD) from their written work on the MTE-PCK test completed prior to the M-FGD. The PCK test consisted of two tasks: the task that examines MTEs’ knowledge to predict pre-service teachers’ reason in representing the hierarchical classification of quadrilateral in Venn diagrams, and the task that examines MTEs’ knowledge in making a flowchart as a recommendation to mathematics teacher to analyze the validity of quadrilateral classification. Results show that the MTEs indicate two considerations of noticing pre-service teachers’ PCK on the quadrilateral classification: by definition and properties of quadrilaterals and by the visual appearance of quadrilaterals. Despite this, 20% of them were indicated to perform a lack of understanding of the hierarchical classification of quadrilaterals, as indicated by invalid flowcharts of validating the hierarchical classification of the quadrilateral.
Mathematics teacher educator
Pedagogical content knowledge
Quadrilateral classification
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