Published: Mar 16, 2024
The development of realistic mathematics education-based student worksheets to enhance higher-order thinking skills and mathematical ability
Pages: 285-300

Realistic mathematics education (RME) to improve literacy and numeracy skills of elementary school students based on teachers’ experience
Pages: 301-316

The role of GeoGebra software in conceptual understanding and engagement among secondary school student
Pages: 317-332

Fostering mathematical connections and habits of mind: A problem-based learning module for elementary education
Pages: 333-348

The students' mathematics self-regulated learning and mathematics anxiety based on the use of chat GPT, music, study program, and academic achievement
Pages: 349-362

Analysis learning outcomes of mathematics education student in the online learning
Pages: 363-376

Learning obstacles on fractions: A scoping review
Pages: 377-392

Exploration of ethnomathematics research in Indonesia 2010-2023
Pages: 393-412

When religion meets mathematics: From mathematical anxiety to mathematical well-being for minority group student
Pages: 413-440

Computational thinking ability in mathematics learning of exponents in grade IX
Pages: 441-456

Exploration of mathematical concepts in Batik Truntum Surakarta
Pages: 457-476

Revealing the uniqueness of variations in prospective teachers' metacognitive activities in solving mathematical problems based on gender
Pages: 477-500

Mastering fractions and innovating with the station rotation model in blended learning
Pages: 501-530

Global trends in flipped classroom research within mathematics education over past two decade: A bibliometric analysis
Pages: 531-552

The effect of experiential learning and directed instructions assisted by augmented reality on students' self-regulated learning
Pages: 553-568