


Implementation, Merdeka Curriculum, Progressivism, Vocational School


Merdeka’s curriculum is expected to motivate students to actively participate in the learning process and make decisions regarding their learning. This research aims to describe the concept of Merdeka curriculum learning with a progressivism view at vocational high schools in Indonesia. This research used qualitative research method with thirty-six students taking fashion design classes at a vocational high school as the respondents of this research. This research used direct observation in class, as well as documentation as data collection techniques. The results showed that in implementing Merdeka Curriculum, the classroom activities conducted by the teacher are in line with progressivism perspective. It can be seen from the core activity in each meeting that implemented five stages of scientific approach such as observing, questioning, implementing, associating, and presenting. In each stage, teacher plays a role as the facilitator who guides the students to become active during teaching and learning process. In addition, the use of media such as PowerPoint and mentimeter can make students become active involved during teaching and learning process.

Author Biography


English Language Department


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