Currently we are in the process of developing many things to improve the quality of Management and Publishing of Quanta journals, the Editorial Board agreed to make several improvements including changes to the Journal Template. Starting from Volume 7, Issues 1 (January), 2 (May) and 3 (September) 2023, Quanta Journal is replacing the journal template with the NEW TEMPLATE. Meanwhile, old articles still use the old article template. We hope that authors can use the New Journal Template when submitting articles in Quanta Journal. Thank you.
2023-10-23Redaksi Jurnal Quanta mengundang para Penulis/Peneliti untuk mengirimkan naskah terbaiknya berupa hasil penelitian/literature review untuk dipublikasikan di Jurnal Quanta pada: Volume 8, Nomer 1 (Januari 2024), Volume 8, Nomer 2 (Mei 2024), Volume 8, Nomor 3 (September 2024). Silahkan unduh Template Jurnal untuk panduan Penulisan. Terimakasih. Read more about CALL FOR PAPERS
2023-10-23Currently we are in the process of developing many things to improve the quality of Management and Publishing of Quanta journals, the Editorial Board agreed to make several improvements including changes to the Journal Template. Starting from Volume 6, Issues 1 (January), 2 (May) and 3 (September) 2022, Quanta Journal is replacing the journal template with the NEW TEMPLATE. Meanwhile, old articles still use the old article template. We hope that authors can use the New Journal Template when submitting articles in Quanta Journal. Thank you. Read more about NEW TEMPLATE