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Understanding and constructing mathematical proofs is fundamental for students in abstract algebra courses. The computational thinking approach can aid the process of compiling mathematical proofs. This study examined the impact of integrating computational thinking components in constructing mathematical proofs. The researcher employed a sequential explanatory approach to ascertain the enhancement of algebraic proof capability based on computational thinking through the t- test. A total of 32 prospective teachers in mathematics education programs were provided with worksheets for seven meetings, which were combined with computational thinking components. Quantitative data were collected from initial and subsequent test instruments. Moreover, three prospective teachers were examined through case studies to investigate their mathematical proof capability using computational thinking components, including decomposition, abstraction, pattern recognition, and algorithmic thinking. The study's findings indicated that CT intervention enhanced students' logical reasoning, proof-writing abilities, and overall engagement with abstract algebra concepts. The findings illustrate that integrating computational thinking into learning strategies can provide a framework for developing higher-order thinking skills, especially in proving, which are essential for studies in mathematics education programs.
Abstract algebra
Computational thinking
Mathematical proof
Prospective teacher
Worksheet design
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