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ABSTRAK Penelitian ini difokuskan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh pembelajaran matematika menggunakan model eliciting activities terhadap kreativitas matematis siswa kelas VIII. Metode eksperimen digunakan dalam penelitian ini, dengan desain one-sampel group design. Populasi adalah seluruh siswa kelas VIII di satu sekolah di Kabupaten Karawang, dengan sampel sebanyak 30 siswa melalui teknik sampling acak dengan pengembalian. Hasil penelitian diperoleh model eliciting activities memberikan pengaruh cukup kuat terhadap kreativitas matematis, yakni sebesar 64%, faktor lainnya disebabkan oleh variabel moderat. Kata Kunci   :  Model eliciting Activities, Kreativitas Matematis  ABSTRACTThis study is focused to determine how much influence the learning of mathematics using the model eliciting activities for students of class VIII mathematical creativity. Experimental method used in this study, with a one-sample design group design. The population is all eighth grade students at a school in Karawang, with a sample of 30 students through random sampling with replacement technique. The results obtained by the model eliciting activities provide a strong enough influence on mathematical creativity, which amounted to 64%, other factors caused by moderate variable. Keywords:           Activities eliciting models, Mathematical Creativity
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