
Export Date: Oct 8, 2022.

Infinity Journal is cited by articles on Scopus database at least 204 times for 47 documents since published in February 2012. If accepted inclusion in Scopus database, this journal will have h-index = 7 and CiteScore 2021 = 1.14  (100 Citations 2018-2021 / 88 Documents 2018-2021).

Doño, M. J. A., Mangila, B. B.

Mathematics teacher's engagement and students' motivation to learn mathematics
(2021) Infinity Journal, 10 (2), pp. 285-300. Cited 1 time.


Pertiwi, C. M., Rohaeti, E. I., Hidayat, W.

The students’ mathematical problem–solving abilities (MPSA), Self-Regulated Learning (SRL), and VBA Microsoft word in new normal: A development of teaching materials
(2021) Infinity Journal, 10 (1), pp. 17-30. Cited 2 times.


Nurhayani, N., Rosnawati, R., Amimah, T.

Optimization of guided discovery learning models to increase students’ interest in mathematics
(2020) Infinity Journal, 9 (1), pp. 69-80. Cited 1 time.


Kusmaryono, I., Basir, M. A., Saputro, B. A.

Ontological misconceptions in mathematics teaching in elementary schools
(2020) Infinity Journal of Mathematics Education, 9 (1), pp. 15-30. Cited 1 time.


Irfan, M., Kusumaningrum, B., Yulia, Y., Widodo, S. A.

Challenges during the pandemic: Use of e-learning in mathematics learning in higher education
(2020) Infinity Journal, 9 (2), pp. 147-158. Cited 26 times.


Ibrahim, I, Widodo, S A

Advocacy Approach With Open-Ended Problems To Mathematical Creative Thinking Ability
(2020) Infinity Journal, 9 (1), pp. 93-102. Cited 4 times.


Kusmaryono, I., Ubaidah, N., Basir, M. A.

The role of scaffolding in the deconstructing of thinking structure: A case study of pseudo-thinking process
(2020) Infinity Journal, 9 (2), pp. 247-262. Cited 1 time.


Maharani, A., Wahyuni, I., Oktavianingsih, C.

Watson’s categories analysis of sequences and series question
(2020) Infinity Journal, 9 (1), p. 10. Cited 1 time.


Rohaeti, E. E., Fitriani, N., Akbar, P.

Developing an interactive learning model using visual basic applications with ethnomathematical contents to improve primary school students' mathematical reasoning
(2020) Infinity Journal, 9 (2), pp. 275-286. Cited 6 times.


Kadarisma, G., Fitriani, N., Amelia, R.

Relationship between misconception and mathematical abstraction of geometry at junior high school
(2020) Infinity Journal, 9, p. 213. Cited 2 times.


Prahmana, R. C. I., Sagita, L., Hidayat, W., Utami, N. W.

Two decades of realistic mathematics education research in Indonesia: A survey
(2020) Infinity Journal, 9 (2), pp. 223-246. Cited 1 time.


Kusaeri, K., Hamdani, A.S., Suprananto, S.

Student Readiness and Challenge in Completing Higher Order Thinking Skill Test Type for Mathematics
(2019) Infinity Journal, 8 (1), pp. 75-86. Cited 5 times.


Prahmana, R. C. I., Sutanti, T., Wibawa, A. P., Diponegoro, A. M.

Mathematical anxiety among engineering students
(2019) Infinity Journal, 8 (2), pp. 179-188. Cited 4 times.


Harisman, Y., Kusumah, Y.S., Kusnandi, K., Noto, M.S.

The Teachers' experience Background and their Profesionalism
(2019) Infinity Journal, 8 (2), pp. 129-142. Cited 2 times.


Purnomo, Y. W., Widowati, C., Ulfah, S.

Incomprehension of the Indonesian Elementary School Students on Fraction Division Problem
(2019) Infinity Journal, 8 (1), pp. 57-74. Cited 3 times.


Maulidia, F., Johar, R., Andariah, A.

A Case Study Of Students'creativity In Solving Mathematical Problems Through Problem-Based Learning
(2019) Infinity Journal, 8 (1), pp. 1-10. Cited 5 times.


Udiyono, U, Yuwono, M R

The correlation between cognitive style and students'learning achievement on geometry subject
(2018) Infinity Journal, 7 (1), pp. 35-44. Cited 4 times.


Yuliana, Y., Firmansah, F.

The Effectiveness Of Problem-Based Learning With Social Media Assistance To Improve Students’understanding Toward Statistics
(2018) Infinity Journal, 7 (2), pp. 97-108. Cited 3 times.


Fitriyani, H., Widodo, S. A., Hendroanto, A.

Students' geometric thinking based on van hiele's theory
(2018) Infinity Journal of Mathematics Education, 7 (1), pp. 55-60. Cited 7 times.


Fitriani, N., Suryadi, D., Darhim, D.

The students’ mathematical abstraction ability through realistic mathematics education with VBA-Microsoft Excel
(2018) Infinity Journal, 7 (2), pp. 123-132. Cited 4 times.


Noto, M.S., Pramuditya, S.A., Fiqri, Y.M.

Design of Learning Materials on Limit Function Based Mathematical Understanding
(2018) Infinity Journal, 7 (1), p. 61. Cited 1 time.


Fonda, A., Sumargiyani, S.

The Developing Math Electronic Module With Scientific Approach Using Kvisoft Flipbook Maker Pro For Xi Grade Of Senior High School Students
(2018) Infinity Journal, 7 (2), pp. 109-122. Cited 14 times.


Maarif, S., Wahyudin, W., Noto, M.S., Hidayat, W., Mulyono, H.

Geometry Exploration Activities Assisted With Dynamic Geometry Software (DGS) in a Teacher Education Classroom
(2018) Infinity Journal, 7 (2), p. 133. Cited 2 times.


Yuliana, Y., Tasari, T., Wijayanti, S.

The Effectiveness Of Guided Discovery Learning To Teach Integral Calculus For The Mathematics Students Of Mathematics Education. Widya Dharma University
(2017) Infinity Journal, 6 (1), pp. 01-10. Cited 5 times.


Haji, S., Abdullah, M.I., Maizora, S., Yumiati, Y.

Developing students' ability of mathematical connection through using outdoor mathematics learning
(2017) Infinity Journal, 6 (1), pp. 11-20. Cited 6 times.


Sari, D.M.

Analysis of students’ mathematical communication ability by using cooperative learning talking stick type
(2017) Infinity Journal, 6 (2), pp. 183-194. Cited 1 time.


Samo, D.D.

(2017) Infinity Journal, 6 (2), pp. 121-136. Cited 7 times.


Shodikin, A.

Effect of Learning With Abductive-Deductive Strategy Towards the Achievement of Reasoning Ability of High School Students
(2017) Infinity Journal, 6 (2), p. 111. Cited 1 time.


Perbowo, K.S., Anjarwati, R.

Analysis of students’ learning obstacles on learning invers function material
(2017) INFINITY Journal of Mathematics Education, 6 (2), pp. 169-176. Cited 11 times.


Julita, J.

The Enhancement Of Mathematical Problem-Solving Ability Of Senior High School Students Through Quantum Learning
(2017) Infinity Journal, 6, pp. 37-50. Cited 5 times.


Hendriana, H.

Senior High School Teachers' Mathematical Questioning Ability and Metaphorical Thinking Learning
(2017) Infinity Journal, 6 (1), pp. 51-58. Cited 5 times.


Soebagyo, J.

Use of the Khan web academy in mathematics learning
(2016) Infinity Journal, 5 (1), pp. 50-55. Cited 1 time.


Prabawati, M.N.

Etnomatematika Masyarakat Pengrajin Anyaman Rajapolah Kabupaten Tasikmalaya
(2016) Infinity Journal, 5 (1), pp. 25-31. Cited 4 times.


Amalia, K.

Peningkatan kompetensi strategis matematis siswa sekolah menengah kejuruan (SMK) melalui strategi team-based learning
(2016) Infinity Journal, 5 (1), pp. 1-14. Cited 1 time.


Noto, M.S., Hartono, W., Sundawan, D.

Analysis of Students Mathematical Representation and Connection on Analytical Geometry Subject
(2016) Infinity Journal, 5 (2), pp. 99-108. Cited 14 times.


Rosita, C.D.

The development of courseware based on mathematical representations and arguments in number theory courses
(2016) Infinity Journal, 5 (2), pp. 131-140. Cited 3 times.


Saputro, B. A.

Learning media development approach with a rectangle problem posing based geogebra
(2016) Infinity: Journal of Mathematics Education, 6 (2), pp. 121-130. Cited 2 times.


Slamet, S., Maa'Rif, S.

Pengaruh bentuk tes formatif assosiasi pilihan ganda dengan reward dan punishment score pada pembelajaran matematika siswa SMA
(2014) Infinity Journal, 3 (1), pp. 59-80. Cited 2 times.


Miliyawati, B.

Urgensi Strategi Disposition Habits of Mind Matematis
(2014) Infinity Journal, 3 (2), pp. 174-188. Cited 5 times.



Meningkatkan Kemampuan Pemahaman dan Komunikasi Matematik Siswa SMK Melalui Pendekatan Kontekstual dan Strategi Formulate-Share-Listen-Create (FSLC)
(2013) Infinity Journal, 2 (1), pp. 1-12. Cited 2 times.


Krismiati, A.

Application of Learning with Realistic Mathematics Education (PMR) In Flocking To Improve Mathematical Problem Solving Ability Students in class X SMA
(2013) Infinity Journal, 2 (2), pp. 123-135. Cited 1 time.


Sugandi, Asep, I.

Pengaruh Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah Dengan Setting Kooperatif Jigsaw Terhadap Kemandirian Belajar Siswa SMA
(2013) Infinity Journal, 2, pp. 144-155. Cited 3 times.


Istianah, E.

Meningkatkan Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis Dan Kreatif Matematik Dengan Pendekatan Model Eliciting Activities (MEAs) Pada Siswa SMA
(2013) Infinity Journal, 2 (1), p. 43. Cited 7 times.


Sumaryati, E., Sumarmo, U.

Pendekatan mduktif-deduktif disertai strategi think-pair-square-share untuk meningkatkan kemampuan pemahaman dan berpikir kritis serta disposisi matematis siswa SMA
(2013) Infinity Journal, 2 (1), pp. 26-42. Cited 3 times.


Nuriadin, I., Perbowo, K.S.

Analisis korelasi kemampuan berpikir kreatif matematik terhadap hasil belajar matematika peserta didik smp negeri 3 lurangung kuningan jawa barat
(2013) Infinity Journal, 2, pp. 65-74. Cited 2 times.


Hendriana, H.

Pembelajaran Matematika Humanis Dengan Metaphorical Thinking Untuk Meningkatkan Kepercayaan Diri Siswa [Humanist Mathematics Learning With Metaphorical Thinking To Increase Student Self Confidence]
(2012) Infinity Journal, 1 (1), pp. 90-103. Cited 12 times.


Saija, L. M.

Analyzing the mathematical disposition and its correlation with mathematics achievement of abstract senior high school students
(2012) Infinity Journal, 1 (2), pp. 148-152. Cited 1 time.