Infinity Journal Volume 13 Issue 1 (February 2024) has been available online since October 8, 2023, for the regular issue of February 2024. All articles in this issue (15 research articles) covers 72 authors from 13 countries of origin (Albania; Armenia; Brazil; China; Colombia; Indonesia; Japan; Malaysia; Mexico; Nigeria; Philippines; Spain; and Thailand).


Published: Oct 8, 2023

Mathematical representation: A bibliometric mapping of the research literature (2013–2022)

Pages: 1-26

Abstract views: 3 | PDF downloads: 1103

Demotivating factors in teaching mathematics: A study of Albanian teachers

Pages: 27-44

Abstract views: 0 | PDF downloads: 366

Integrating STEAM into flip flop model to improve students’ understanding on composition of functions during online learning

Pages: 45-60

Abstract views: 2 | PDF downloads: 578

The resolution of quadratic inequality problems in mathematics: Discrepancies between thought and action

Pages: 61-82

Abstract views: 1 | PDF downloads: 476

Students’ common errors in quadratic equations: Towards improved mathematics performance

Pages: 83-98

Abstract views: 6 | PDF downloads: 1104

Cognitive load scale in learning formal definition of limit: A rasch model approach

Pages: 99-118

Abstract views: 0 | PDF downloads: 290

The use of augmented reality to improve students' geometry concept problem-solving skills through the STEAM approach

Pages: 119-138

Abstract views: 11 | PDF downloads: 805

Exploring contributing factors to PISA 2022 mathematics achievement: Insights from Indonesian teachers

Pages: 139-156

Abstract views: 31 | PDF downloads: 1662

Elementary school students’ layers of understanding in solving literacy problems based on Sidoarjo context

Pages: 157-174

Abstract views: 2 | PDF downloads: 293

Impact of "Donkey", "Snap" dan "King" (DSK) non-digital gamification cards on fourth-grade students' math performance in fractions

Pages: 175-196

Abstract views: 0 | PDF downloads: 381

Developing patterns of students' mathematical literacy processes: Insights from cognitive load theory and design-based research

Pages: 197-214

Abstract views: 7 | PDF downloads: 457

Exploring junior high school students' geometry self-efficacy in solving 3D geometry problems through 5E instructional model intervention: A grounded theory study

Pages: 215-232

Abstract views: 2 | PDF downloads: 345

Global trend of ethnomathematics studies of the last decade: A bibliometric analysis

Pages: 233-250

Abstract views: 4 | PDF downloads: 569

The bridging understanding of language and mathematical symbols between teachers and students: An effort to increase mathematical literacy

Pages: 251-270

Abstract views: 2 | PDF downloads: 346

A semiotic perspective of mathematical activity: The case of integer

Pages: 271-284

Abstract views: 0 | PDF downloads: 253