Published: Oct 8, 2023
Mathematical representation: A bibliometric mapping of the research literature (2013–2022)
Pages: 1-26

Demotivating factors in teaching mathematics: A study of Albanian teachers
Pages: 27-44

Integrating STEAM into flip flop model to improve students’ understanding on composition of functions during online learning
Pages: 45-60

The resolution of quadratic inequality problems in mathematics: Discrepancies between thought and action
Pages: 61-82

Students’ common errors in quadratic equations: Towards improved mathematics performance
Pages: 83-98

Cognitive load scale in learning formal definition of limit: A rasch model approach
Pages: 99-118

The use of augmented reality to improve students' geometry concept problem-solving skills through the STEAM approach
Pages: 119-138

Exploring contributing factors to PISA 2022 mathematics achievement: Insights from Indonesian teachers
Pages: 139-156

Elementary school students’ layers of understanding in solving literacy problems based on Sidoarjo context
Pages: 157-174

Impact of "Donkey", "Snap" dan "King" (DSK) non-digital gamification cards on fourth-grade students' math performance in fractions
Pages: 175-196

Developing patterns of students' mathematical literacy processes: Insights from cognitive load theory and design-based research
Pages: 197-214

Exploring junior high school students' geometry self-efficacy in solving 3D geometry problems through 5E instructional model intervention: A grounded theory study
Pages: 215-232

Global trend of ethnomathematics studies of the last decade: A bibliometric analysis
Pages: 233-250

The bridging understanding of language and mathematical symbols between teachers and students: An effort to increase mathematical literacy
Pages: 251-270

A semiotic perspective of mathematical activity: The case of integer
Pages: 271-284